About Me

It has always been an instinctive desire to capture & document everything that sets my soul on fire. Photography is a visual way for me to tell the stories of friends, family, music, nature and to document the ever changing seasons of life.

When I became a mother, I noticed how quickly the little things changed. At one stage things had changed so quickly that I realized I hadn't fairly documented my own transition into motherhood. As a way forward, I fell in love with being able to capture these moments for others and slowly developed my style for maternity, newborn and family portraits.

I am what most people would call an old soul. As well as being blessed in this life, I have also been through great loss. I am a very empathetic person which allows me to connect with others & their stories on deeper levels. Photography is one way I can share my passion and make sure that the beautiful moments in life don't go un-noticed.

When I'm not behind the lens, you will find me in the garden and feeding the animals on our small property in North East Victoria. I have a nursing background in palliative care. I am a proud mamma to a small human and I love learning (and un-learning) everything about the world we live in. I am passionate about almost everything, except for sport!

I also love photographing love stories, weddings, live music and down to earth humans in small business.

I hope I get to meet you if I haven't already!

With love, Michelle Xx